March 31, 2020 - Curriculum Update due to COVID-19

March 31, 2020 - Curriculum Update due to COVID-19

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

We are working diligently to develop our plans to meet student needs as we make the shift to a distance learning model due to the national response to COVID-19 and school closures.  Obviously, our efforts to provide educational continuity for all of our students during the school closure period include strategic planning for our students. Although these services may look different in light of these unfortunate circumstances, our commitment to your child and your child’s success remains the same.

Teachers, counselors, and staff are currently gathering information from student households about the availability of devices and internet access for completion of online course work. You will be receiving communication from the teacher or staff who currently teaches your child to assess your child’s technological needs and your communication preferences. They will discuss what will be accessible for your child during the school closure period including virtual services and/or paper assignments.

Our current plan is to gather information and prepare lessons and materials over the next few days and follow guidelines provided by the Alabama State Department of Education to begin the delivery of these lessons, be it online or via paper packets, on Monday, April 13, 2020. Many state news agencies are stating that April 6 is the day these lessons will begin; however, Cleburne County is having a scheduled Spring Break April 6-10, 2020 so we will begin our lessons on Monday, April 13, 2020.

There are three options for parents and students to receive the course work:

Option 1 - Digital Delivery via online learning platform.

Option 2 - Pickup a paper packet at school when picking up student meals.

Option 3 - Delivery of paper packet to the home (option only available on limited circumstances, more info coming)

Paper packets (if needed) will be given out twice during the remainder of the school year. The first session will begin on April 13th and will contain course work to span approximately 3 weeks. The second session will be the first of May and will contain any remaining course work that needs to be completed prior to the end of the school year. Further information will be provided as to how to return the paper packets to teachers. If using pencil/paper resources, please keep up with them.

We are eager to work together in partnership to design and implement an effective alternative learning program for your child, in light of the current circumstances.  Should you have any questions at this time, please contact me at 256-926-7046 or email me at

With Sincerest Regards,

Coline Worthy
Curriculum & Instruction Coordinator
Cleburne County Schools
